… bedeutet „Liebe“ auf griechisch.
Bevor ich nach Málaga aufbrach, haben mein Freund und ich einen Kurzurlaub in Finikounda, Griechenland, eingelegt. Jeder Tag bestand hauptsächlich aus essen, faulenzen am Strand, wieder essen und schlafen. Da mein Lieblingsmensch an meiner Seite war, war das alles was ich zum Leben brauchte. Wir hätten sicherlich noch mehr Zeit in diesem kleinen aber feinen Fischerdorf verbringen können, nach einer Woche ging es dann aber leider schon wieder zurück ins kalte, langweilige Deutschland.
Ich bin dankbar für jeden einzelnen Tag dort und erinnere mich gerne zurück.
english translation
...means „love“ in greek.
Before I started my journey to Malaga, my boyfriend and me went on a short trip to Finikounda, Greece. Every single day consisted of eating, chilling on the beach, eating again and sleeping. But the fact that I always had my favourite person next to me, turned all of those random things into a special experience. We didn't need more to live and we were literally able to „flee“ from reality for a certain period of time. Unfortunally, that holiday just lasted a week 'cause we had to fly back to cold, boring Germany.
I am still grateful for every single day and love to call that holiday back to my mind.
...means „love“ in greek.
Before I started my journey to Malaga, my boyfriend and me went on a short trip to Finikounda, Greece. Every single day consisted of eating, chilling on the beach, eating again and sleeping. But the fact that I always had my favourite person next to me, turned all of those random things into a special experience. We didn't need more to live and we were literally able to „flee“ from reality for a certain period of time. Unfortunally, that holiday just lasted a week 'cause we had to fly back to cold, boring Germany.
I am still grateful for every single day and love to call that holiday back to my mind.
some impressions: