Keep calm and Hakuna Matata
Auch ich bin davon zur Zeit komplett eingenommen und damit beschäftigt alle tollen Orte in Südafrika zu entdecken. Unser letzer Stopp war ein ganz besonderer Strand:
-Strand am wärmeren indischen Ozean
mit witzigen bunten Strandhäuschen
-Hot-Spot für Surfer
english translation:
=best description for the south-african mentality and their way of living
Right now, I'm pretty busy exploring all those awesome spots in south africa.
Our last stop was a very special beach:
-beach along the warm indian ocean
-equipped with funny and colourful beach huts
-hot-spot for surfer
-Hot-Spot für Surfer
english translation:
=best description for the south-african mentality and their way of living
Right now, I'm pretty busy exploring all those awesome spots in south africa.
Our last stop was a very special beach:
-beach along the warm indian ocean
-equipped with funny and colourful beach huts
-hot-spot for surfer
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